Assessing whether telematics and usage based insurance has positive or negative impact on people of color

A telematics system includes a vehicle tracking device installed in a vehicle that telemetry data including location, speed, idling time, harsh acceleration or braking, fuel consumption, vehicle faults, and more. Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) is a type of auto insurance that uses telemetry data to track mileage and driving behaviors. UBI is often powered by in-vehicle telecommunication devices (telematics)-technology that is available in a vehicle that is self-installed using a plug in-device or already integrated in original equipment installed by car manufactures. Fortune 100 Insurance Company is interested in research assessing whether UBI has a negative or positive impact on people of color. The study would include comparing UBI insurance rating to traditional insurance rating factors such as traffic violations, and home location.


  • Telematics is an interdisciplinary field that encompasses telecommunications, vehicular technologies, for instance, road transport, road safety, electrical engineering, and computer science. UBI is an insurance based application of telematics.
  • Interest in risk management or actuarial science
  • Interest in economics
  • Interest in law and social justice
  •  Written communication skills
  •  Ability to think systemically
  •  Skills in graphic design, visual analytics, system thinking would be valuable
  • Communications

Client(s) name(s):

Fortune 100 Insurance Company

Project Mentor

Jim Jones

Final deliverable format:

White paper and presentation