Economic Development & Movie Culture

Woodstock, IL is well known as the location where the famous movie Ground Hog Day was filmed. Thousands of people visit Woodstock to celebrate Ground Hog day which spurs significant interest and investment in the community. As the original viewers of the movie get older, there is an opportunity to expose the movie and its spirit to a younger generation. The focus of this project is how the WGDC could use new media (social media) to strategically share the Ground Hog Day movie story with a younger generation and develop a stronger connection to the city of Woodstock, IL.
Team can visit the city in the fall and ideally again on February 2, 2020, Ground Day, to experience the event.

Project Mentor

Dr. Kristina Kaufman higher education academic and published author with multiple degrees in business and education from ISU.

Competencies needed by faculty and students involved

  • Economic development
  • Communication and Movie Culture

Final Deliverable

Provide overall strategy and low-cost tactics to educate the younger generation about the movie and its connection to Woodstock. Tactics should include creative material and timeline for when and how to implement along with a budget. Since the final ICC deliverable is April 2020, this project will help them the following year.