Market Assessment for Global Mining Equipment

The global mining industry is undergoing transformation with mine operators seeking lower emissions for the underground extraction process. This project will ask the team to identify a country in Latin America and assess mining operations to assess how ripe existing and new mine operators are to using electric-powered machines to extract ore from underground.


Leading manufacturer of electric powered mining equipment.

Project Mentor

Dr. Peter Kaufman

Competencies needed by faculty and students involved

  • Marketing concepts & Strategic thinking
  • Creativity
  • Critical thinking & Problem solving
  • Spanish proficiency (for some team members)

Final deliverable format:

A careful analysis of customer needs, competitor issues including how should client position itself relative to the competition, market (number of mines, size of mines, type of machines used, if able to discern), regulations (current and trending) on underground ventilation, and challenges to market entry. The analysis will conclude with recommendations on whether the client should enter the market and what risks exist.